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Anglistentag 2023


24–26 September 2023 at the University of Siegen

Annual conference of the German Association for the Study of English (Deutscher Anglistenverband)


April: venue info

May: Accomodation infos, preliminary schedule

June: Registration opens

July: 'Early bird' registration deadline ends

August: Registration ends, full programme available here

September: Get ready for the conference and see you in Siegen!


For a sustainable Anglistentag, the conference package will only contain a brief printed booklet with a 2-page conference schedule alongside an overview of the sections. The latter will not include the section organisers' introductions, nor the speakers' abstracts and bio notes, all of which can be found here on the website. Please also note that we will not be serving water in bottles; instead, there will be jugs of tap water. It may be a good idea to bring a reusable water bottle for refills.

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